Why is your hair thinning?
Why Is Your Hair Thinning? If you were born with thin hair, or if it has started to become thinner over time, you may wish there was a way to remedy that. And there is. But first let’s understand the root cause of why you may be losing hair volume.
Many people assume hair loss is a problem that primarily affects older men and women. While there is some truth to that (the rate of hair growth slows as you age), hair loss at a younger age is more common than you might think. Hair-related issues – such as your hair appearing thinner – can affect people as young as those in their teens and early 20s.
In fact, it is estimated that 40 percent of men will have noticeable hair loss by age 35, and the same percentage of women by the time they are 40.
Hair loss affects men and women at various ages for a number of reasons. A change in hormones, vitamin deficiencies, improper diet, stress, unhealthy hair habits, medical conditions, illness, and even cosmetic procedures such as dying or constantly straightening your hair can contribute to hair loss.
For example, hair can break off at the shaft due to excessive styling, a lack of proper nutrients, or even constant exposure to chemicals such as the chlorine in swimming pools. When hair breakage occurs, the follicle remains in place, but the lack of a hair creates the appearance of thinning hair. Constant tugging or pulling at hair can also result in hair breakage and thinning hair. This may happen as the result of compulsive behavior or nervous tics that involve pulling out your own hair, or the weaving of hair into tight braids.
Why is my Hair is Thinning?
Temporary hair loss can be a side effect of medications such as birth control, antidepressants, NSAIDs, and beta blockers – in addition to the usual suspects such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy.
Exercise is great for us, sure – but did you know that excessive exercise can cause hair loss or thinning? It’s true. Like any stress on the body, it can disrupt the normal hair-growth cycle, leading to less hair growing at any one time. Additional factors that come into play for exercise advocates – and can negatively affect hair growth – include steroid use and inadequate nutrition due to calorie-restrictive dieting.
Let’s not forget genetics – which is a big cause of hair loss, such as pattern baldness (in both men and women). If a member of your family has thinning hair, you may have inherited that unlucky gene from them.
And in the “you can’t win for losing” category, even if you’re not actively doing anything to ca/use hair loss, in some cases the body’s own immune system attacks the hair follicles, resulting in sudden hair loss.
Contact your Hair Loss Specialist Near you
The good news is that with the latest technology and innovations, you can select a treatment that’s best for you, no matter the cause of your hair loss. Opting for a healthy hair care routine and the right hair care products can also bolster naturally thin hair so that you, too, can have a full, lustrous head of hair like you see in the magazines.
To learn more about why your hair may be thinning, and what can be done to treat it, ask the experts at MAXIM Hair Restoration, with locations in New York, Long Island, Connecticut, Chicago, Dallas, Houston, and the Washington, D.C., area. Contact MAXIM today for a consultation.