What Percentage Of Hair Transplants Are Successful?

Hair transplants are effective for restoring hair growth following with different hair restoration and transplant procedures like Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT), Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) or Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP),  find out what hair transplant success rate is, as well as benefits and types of this innovative procedure that we offer at MAXIM Hair Restoration.

In outlining the percentage of hair transplants that are successful, it is first necessary to define what the term “success” might refer to with regard to the hair transplant procedure. After all, a transplant in which only a very small fraction of the transplanted follicles fail to grow in could be considered a technical success, but it is hardly fair to consider such a transplant to be successful if the client does not find the style to be satisfactory or otherwise in keeping with their pre-transplant hair restoration goals.

In determining the success rate of hair transplants, it is important to take into account the client’s satisfaction with the procedure as well as the total percentage of the transplanted follicles that were successfully harvested from the donor site and transplanted to the recipient site. Ultimately, any good hair transplant doctor near you will point out that it is the patient’s opinion of the end result which matters.

The majority of reputable hair transplant doctors would consider an overall rate of 90 percent to be the lowest acceptable threshold in terms of the percent of follicles that become a permanent part of the patient’s hairline.

But 95 to 98 percent is considered the ideal range. This percentage tends to rise even higher when the doctor utilizes a detail-oriented approach for the hair transplant procedure. In which each graft is carefully selected and removed before being prepared, preserved and transplanted into the recipient site.

Hair Transplant Success Rate

As one might expect, the success rate in terms of client opinion can vary significantly from doctor to doctor. Factors affecting this success rate include everything from the doctor’s skill level and experience to the technology available to them. A reputable doctor should be able to honestly cite a success rate very close to 100 percent, which is best accomplished when the doctor and patient take the time to develop a plan and determine a hair restoration strategy based on the uniquely specific needs of the individual patient.

In the very rare event that failure occurs, it is often due to some preventable circumstance that is not directly associated with the specific hair transplant procedure.

What Percentage of Strip Hair Transplants (FUT) Are Successful?

Hair Transplant Success Rates maxim

For a Follicular Unit Transplant, the doctor should be able to transplant the follicular grafts to the recipient site. A success rate of a hair transplant is somewhere between 95 and 98 percent and in some cases even a 100 percent success rate. During the consultation process, the doctor and patient should have discussed the number of follicular units needed to achieve adequate coverage according to the patient’s specific rate of hair loss, and the hairline’s final orientation as well as the patient’s personal goals should have likewise been discussed at this time.

It should be understood that transplanted hair follicles tend to fall out before re-growing permanent follicles. This can cause patients to express concern that the transplant “didn’t take.” What they are actually experiencing is a normal part of the hair transplantation process. A reputable hair transplant doctor will clearly outline the hair transplantation process to patient’s beforehand so that there is an understanding of the appropriate expectations until the final result is achieved.

What Percentage of FUE Hair Transplants Are Successful?

The FUE procedure is a more time-consuming process due to the fact that individual follicular units are removed from the donor site to be transplanted into the recipient site. Whether this is accomplished manually or in conjunction with one of the many available automated complements available to doctors has a minimal impact on the ultimate rate of success experienced by patients opting for FUE, as the most important factor in determining the rate of success is the overall percentage of fibers that are successfully transplanted and, of course, the final appearance of the hair transplant in the eyes of the patient.

When the appropriate volume of follicular units is transplanted so that adequate coverage is achieved, an FUE Hair Transplant ought to result in a 100 percent success rate. However, in reality, the yield is generally lower than that for the FUT technique.  It is absolutely worth noting that this expected level of success is based on the assumption that the hair transplant doctor performing the procedure is experienced, knowledgeable, and skilled in performing the FUE procedure as well as the other available hair transplant options.

It is important for patient’s to understand with an FUE procedure that multiple sessions will be required to achieve a higher success rate and the result they are seeking.

What Percentage of Robotic Hair Transplants Are Successful?

Robotic Hair Transplants are favored by many doctors who believe that the technological advancements now available have made a time-intensive process much more efficient, although there are some hair transplant doctors who still prefer to perform the FUE procedure on a strictly manual basis due to its precision. Both strategies should result in a success rate of 100 percent or very close to it.

A robotic hair transplant does hold a number of benefits from both the patient’s and the doctor’s perspective, as the automated aspects of the follicular unit removal process can be accelerated so that a single session is not as lengthy if the procedure is performed on a manual basis. While the patient and the doctor are likely to appreciate a shorter time requirement for each session, it is generally understood that a hair transplant is judged based on the end result of the procedure. In this regard, the robotic hair transplant — when performed by a skillful and experienced hair transplant doctor — is every bit as successful as its many varied counterparts.

The limitation with a robotic procedure is that it is generally limited to 1,500 grafts.

What Percentage of NeoGraft Hair Transplants Are Successful?

A version of the FUE procedure that utilizes a pneumatic pressure tool to ensure each follicular unit is preserved to such a degree that the greatest possible yield is realized and provides the best possible coverage at the recipient site, NeoGraft is similar to other procedures that include automated systems or advanced technologies. NeoGraft succeeds in reducing the time needed to harvest individual follicles in what can be a very time-consuming process when done through the traditional, manual methodology.

When done well and according to the specifically stated goals of the patient, the NeoGraft Hair Transplant procedure should result in the successful transplantation of between 95 and 98 percent of the harvested follicular units from the donor site and really ought to be considered an overall success in every instance in which it is utilized by a hair transplant doctor.

Because FUE procedures — automated or otherwise — tend to be more time-consuming than other options, the most considerate and mindful doctors understand that patients seeking significant coverage through this procedure should be made aware of the potential number of sessions required to achieve the result they are seeking. With a short recovery time that makes it possible to perform sessions on back-to-back days, FUE done with NeoGraft technology is more than capable of always being regarded as an outright success by patients who understand what can be expected through the use of this procedure.

What Percentage of SmartGraft Hair Transplants Are Successful?

Through the use of a pneumatic pressure tool that is part of a closed storage system in which each individual follicular unit is immediately directed into a refrigerated storage unit, SmartGraft is more likely to result in a maximal yield in terms of the total percentage of successful follicular transplants into the recipient site. This is largely the result of the closed system that ensures each follicular unit is never exposed to the exterior elements that can result in desiccation and failure during the transplant process.

Where other procedures typically expect 95 percent to 98 percent success in transplanted follicular units to the recipient site, SmartGraft is more likely to be in the upper end of that range and may even be able to achieve a successful transplant rate greater than 98 percent. This is the rationale behind the use of a closed system, as a follicular unit is more likely to suffer degradation when it spends time outside the body.

Even Better with Hair Transplant with Highest Success Rate

Even though there is the possibility of the recipient site being denser with hair due to the process of preservation while removing units from the donor site, the patient’s view of the success or failure of the procedure remains entirely dependent on the final overall appearance of the transplanted hair. With the assistance of an expert hair transplant doctor who is able to construct a hairline in accordance with the patient’s stated goals, the success rate of the SmartGraft procedure should be consistently outstanding for every patient who chooses this hair transplant option.

According to Dr. Singer, Medical Director for MAXIM Hair Restoration in New York City, “I find that conventional FUT or Strip hair transplants provide the best yield of harvested grafts and excellent results.  An FUT or Strip hair transplant enables the surgeon to perform large sessions up to 4,000 grafts in one sitting.”

No matter which process you choose for your hair restoration needs you can expect a very positive outcome and incredibly high success rate. To discuss the best option with a skilled hair transplant doctor near you, please contact us today.


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