Can you get an eyebrow hair transplant? The answer is YES! The eyebrows are a noticeable facial feature that is more prominent in some than others. In the case where there is a lack of eyebrow hair, it makes the person stand out in a negative way. It is not very attractive to not have enough hair on the eyebrows. In fact, there is a whole industry dedicated to creating cosmetics and permanent tattoos so that people don’t look like they have thinning or no eyebrows.

Eyebrow Hair Transplants

Eyebrows are certainly an important facial feature, helping with the facial symmetry of the person and the overall attractive aesthetic appearance. Everyone has unique make-up. We look different and act different, but who wants to be the same? Men typically have thicker eyebrows that are horizontal, whereas women have more delicate and more elegantly defined eyebrows. Our eyebrows frame our eyes and are one of the first features someone naturally looks at when they are in front of you. When you speak, people look at your eyes.

Eyebrows that are full and appear natural is a feature that some people take for granted.

In today’s world, enhancing one’s aesthetic appearance has become very popular and important. Therefore, if someone is insecure about how their eyebrows look, there are many options they can consider to enhance this very important feature.

Causes of Thinning or Lack of Eyebrows

For both men and women who have lost the natural full appearance of their eyebrows, there are several factors that can be part of the problem including the following:

  • Hereditary causes.
  • Over-plucked eyebrows, which is the most common cause seen in both men and women.
  • Trauma such as burns including chemical and electrical, auto accidents, deep abrasions.
  • Radiation, chemotherapy, and other harsh medical treatments.
  • Medical, chronic, autoimmune, hormonal, or other types of systemic diseases.
  • Obsessive and compulsive plucking known in medical terms as Trichotillomania
  • Aging both normal or premature.
  • Stress or other psychological issues that cause a hormonal imbalance.

Some causes of hair loss in the eyebrows are temporary and can be corrected by taking care of the underlying condition. However, some causes are more permanent in nature and cannot be easily reversed.

How Do People Deal With Eyebrow Hair Loss?

As mentioned earlier, there is a whole industry devoted to making eyebrows beautiful. To achieve a full-brow look, there are temporary methods such as make-up that include eyebrow pencils or tints. There are also other methods such as microblading and tattoos, however, these can be tricky procedures. Tattoos are difficult to correct if you are not happy with the shape or color. In addition, it is a very painful and extreme solution – not to mention that ink is not the same as real hair. Some of these solutions are effective and look great, others are very inconvenient to use regularly, expensive, and at times don’t even achieve the look the person desires.

The fact that the eyebrows are in close proximity to the eyes, using these methods also creates a risk of damaging the eye with chemicals or other procedures. Fortunately, in today’s ever-evolving world of aesthetic procedures with modern technology and research, the quest for fuller eyebrows has brought eyebrow transplantation surgery to the forefront of this industry. Eyebrow hair restoration is helping people get the full brow look that makes them feel their best. It is an effective therapy praised by many who have received it because it liberates them from the constant care and expenses temporary methods require.

What is an Eyebrow Transplant?

Over-plucked eyebrows are the most common cause of people who seek out transplants.

Similar to regular hair transplants, the process involves moving either individual groups or a strip of skin with active follicles from one area of the body (donor site) to another (harvesting site). The back of the head is the most common donor site. A number of doctors take hair from behind the ears to avoid a linear scar at the back of the head. 

Proper angulation of the hair follicle is the most important feature of an eyebrow transplant. The hair in the upper part of the central edge of a normal eyebrow usually points upward to the hairline, while the hair on the lateral aspects points horizontally, towards the ears. The hair in the upper part of the eyebrow should be pointed slightly downward and the lower portion slightly upward, so that they will converge in the middle, forming a slight ridge, which in aesthetic terms, resembles the pattern of a feather.

The careful placement of hair follicles during the eyebrow hair transplant procedure is key in achieving natural results. This is why you must select an experienced hair transplant physician who has performed several of these types of procedures and has a portfolio of good results. These types of procedures have been around long-enough for techniques to be effective, just be sure you select a reputable clinic.

Eyebrow Transplant Procedure

Eyebrow hair restoration is a simple surgical outpatient procedure done under local anesthesia in the clinic. This fact makes the entire treatment much safer than being under general anesthesia. Plus, you will be able to go home the same day and won’t require hospitalization.

The procedure takes approximately three to four hours to complete, depending on the person’s condition as far as the extent of the hair loss and other challenges that may be present. Most patients require no special considerations and can have a straight-forward and uncomplicated procedure.

Initially, the hair transplant doctor or clinician will take a surgical marker and draw an outline of your eyebrows with the desired position and symmetry previously discussed in your consultation. You will be part of the process of deciding how your eyebrows are going to look. Some people prefer very full eyebrows while others prefer a thinner look. The pre-markings made by the hair transplant surgeon before the procedure will also indicate the directional change of the hair from the medial to lateral borders of the eyebrow. This method ensures that the eyebrows will look natural and suit the structure of your face.

After outlining your eyebrows, you will be given a mirror and the opportunity to view the design, provide feedback, and approve the desired look, before proceeding further with the transplant. Be sure to be very outspoken with your hair restoration provider. It is important for you to provide your input and be completely happy at every step of the way.

After receiving a local anesthetic to numb the targeted areas of your face, the physician or clinician begins the surgical procedure by removing hair follicles from your donor site which are then transplanted into your brow area. This is done with the goal of achieving a set of full-looking eyebrows that look and feel good. It is the most natural way to achieve full eyebrows and it is definitely the most desired by patients.

With the procedure, patients usually experience some discomfort and should ideally be driven home following the procedure. The majority of patients are comfortable during and after the procedure, and many return to work in a couple of days. It has virtually no downtime, it doesn’t feel like surgery, and it really is a minor procedure.

The following morning, the patient should gently clean the transplanted area to remove any gunk (preferably in the shower) at least three times a day after surgery, and twice a day for a week. It is important to keep the area clean from any build-up. Your aftercare will ensure that you heal properly and have the best recovery possible. Plus, you will want to be careful with the area as it is very close to your eyes and you’ll want to keep them safe from any debris.

After each shower, an antibiotic ointment that the doctor will prescribe should be applied to the brow to help soften any crusts and enable them to be more easily removed with the next washing. Slight bruising after the surgery is common and very normal. It normally subsides within approximately one week and should gradually improve each day.

Contact Your Hair Transplant Specialist

After the procedure, you’ll notice that your new eyebrow hair will grow when you least expect it. The new hair on your eyebrows will gradually begin to fill in as the doctor explained before the procedure. Regular trimming and care will be necessary to maintain your brows and keep them looking their best. Transplanted hairs grow quickly, and they will require occasional trimming, as the transplanted hair grows at the same rate as the hair on your scalp. You will get into a new routine and will intuitively know how to maintain your eyebrows. 

The transplanted hair follicles will likely fall out after 6 to 8 weeks but will re-grow between four and six months. Long-term results will be evident in about a year. 

Patients notice that their whole face looks different now that they have their new eyebrows. Eyebrow hair restoration is by far the most effective and easy way to take care of eyebrow hair loss. Once the procedure and healing are complete, you’ll see why people are often turning to this therapy.

To learn more about the eyebrow transplant procedure, MAXIM Hair Restoration has locations in the following markets:

Future centers are planned in Austin, Texas; San Antonio, Texas; Seattle, Washington; San Diego, California; Atlanta, Georgia; Miami, Florida; New Orleans, Louisiana; and other markets. 

Contact MAXIM today to find out if you are a good candidate for eyebrow restoration and say goodbye to thinning or missing eyebrows.


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