How Much Does A Hair Transplant Cost?

Generally speaking, the cost of a hair transplant is frequently far less expensive than people expect, as it is possible to have a transplant performed by a skilled surgeon in a state-of-the-art facility at an eminently affordable rate. When considering the fact that a hair transplant is a permanent and natural-looking solution for hair loss, the overall value of the procedure is exponentially greater than its initial cost. While it is indeed the case that the cost of a hair transplant represents a tremendous value, it remains difficult to make a precise estimate without considering the many factors that play a role in making such an estimate.

The factors influencing the cost of a hair transplant are many, with some having a significant impact on cost and others only resulting in a minor variance. Of those factors, the following are the most important to consider when attempting to determine the cost of the procedure:

• Severity of the hair loss
• Type of procedure selected
• Patient location

hair transplant cost info maxim hair restorationIn addition to the coverage area, the type of procedure and the location where the transplant will be performed, the patient’s hair type and skin tone will have an effect on the total cost of the procedure as well. This is because there are certain types of hair that simply require more follicular units to achieve adequate coverage, and the patient’s skin tone will also influence the manner in which the transplanted hair will appear to cover the areas affected by baldness or thinning hair.

The most significant factor is almost always going to be the number of follicular units required to achieve adequate coverage, and there is a relatively simple formula prospective patients can use to get a general idea of what a hair transplant will cost. It is generally assumed that balding areas can be adequately covered with 25 percent of the original hair, and the average person has 1,250 follicles per square inch of their scalp. Using an average of two hairs per follicular unit, 156 follicular units can therefore provide adequate coverage for one square inch of scalp. This means that the following formula can be used for calculating the cost of a transplant:

• Coverage area (in square inches) x 156 = Number of follicular units (grafts) needed
• Number of follicular units x price per follicular unit = Total cost of the hair transplant

Obviously, this formula requires knowledge of the specific hair transplant price per unit charged by the clinic, but it is still a beneficial tool for making an estimate of the total cost of the hair transplant. Without taking specific considerations into account, the typical cost of a hair transplant in the United States most often falls between and $15,000. Countries outside the United States tend to offer the procedure at a rate that falls somewhere between $3,500 and $8,000.

Chicagoland Hair Transplant Experts

680 North Lake Shore Dr #1201

ChicagoIllinois 60611

United States (US)

Phone: (773) 423-2939
Email: chicago@localhost


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