Hair Transplant in Winnetka, Illinois: Follicular Unit Transplantation

Are you interested in taking advantage of a hair transplant in Winnetka, Illinois? Trying to decide between a follicular unit extraction (FUE) and a follicular unit transplantation (FUT)? If so, this article should be of great assistance.  Below, we’ll discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a follicular unit transplantation, in particular. Let’s begin!

For nearly all of human history, men had no choice but to accept that their hair was falling out and that it would never be replaced.

Since then, hair transplants have grown substantially in their sophistication, offering a more attractive transplant at a more reasonable price. These days, hair transplants are a viable option for more men than ever before.

Hair Transplant in Winnetka, Illinois

The Advantages of FUT Hair Transplant

When compared to a follicular unit extraction procedure, FUT has a number of advantages. Perhaps the biggest advantage of FUT is that it’s less expensive than FUE. This is due largely to the fact that, while FUT typically requires 2 or 3 grafting sessions. FUE typically may require more grafting sessions.

Generally, you will also find that FUT produces a better hair transplant result in Winnetka, Illinois. The hair associated with this procedure appears thicker and denser than the hair associated with FUE. This is because you can do a larger session with FUT up to 4,000 grafts.

It should also be noted that a follicular unit transplantation takes relatively little time. Not only are the sessions fairly short, the amount of sessions needed to carry out a full procedure aren’t as numerous as what is needed for FUE.

The Disadvantages of FUT Hair Transplant

Arguably the biggest disadvantage of a FUT procedure is that it produces a linear scar which can sometimes be seen through hair. If noticed, this scar might alert people to the fact that a procedure of some sort was performed. However, if you’re alright with this, it shouldn’t be a major cause for concern.

The only other potential disadvantage of follicular unit transplantation is that it can cause some discomfort. However, in most cases, any discomfort disappears within a few days.

The FUT Hair Transplant Procedure in Winnetka, Illinois

Now that we’ve discussed advantages and disadvantages, let’s discuss the specifics of the FUT procedure.

Generally, you will first speak with your surgeon about what the procedure will entail. He or she will answer any questions you might have and will do whatever is necessary to get you ready.

On the day of your procedure, he/she will draw our hairline that you will approve prior to proceeding with the procedure. He or she will provide you with a local anesthetic. This will numb the area so that you won’t feel any discomfort during the procedure.

Now, the procedure will start. You will remain awake during its entirety and will even be able to talk with your surgeon as he or she is working or watch TV or take a nap. He or she will take a strip of hair from the back and sides of your head. And our surgeon dissect these into individual grafts before transplanting these to the parts of your head which are balding.

Within a few days of the procedure, your grafted hair should fall out of your head. Then, about 6 months later, it will grow back in, remaining there for good.

Undergo a Hair Transplant in Winnetka, Illinois

Are you interested in undergoing a hair transplant in Winnetka, Illinois? Looking for a reputable surgeon? If so, we here at Maxim Hair Restoration are the people to see.

Our highly-skilled surgeons have carried out thousands of hair restoration procedures. From follicular unit extractions, to follicular unit transplantations, to supplemental procedures, and more.

Contact us today for a free consultation!


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