Can You Get Facial Hair Transplant?

Can you get facial hair transplant? Beards are not just a momentary trend – their popularity has skyrocketed over the past 10 years. Whether hipsters or businessmen, a well-groomed beard has become a definite yardstick by which to measure a man’s attractiveness. How many men can just grow the perfect beard by tossing their razors, though? Most men would probably like to change the density or shape of their facial hair, but not everybody can achieve the perfect level of scruff. Fortunately, facial hair transplant is a reality.

Beards are here to stay

It’s not weird to want a great-looking beard. The popularity of beards is not so much a mystery now, compared to the years when a clean-shaven look was the only way to go. As a consummate sign of masculinity, facial hair has signaled strength, masculinity, and more recently, hipness. We see many professional musicians and athletes going no shave all year, rather than no shave November.

beard facial hair transplant

For those unable to grow the beard they want to see in the mirror, facial hair transplant is a minor procedure that provides a permanent and attractive solution to patchiness or complete lack of hair growth on the face. Looking for Facial Hair Transplant in New York?

Get the perfect beard with a Facial Hair Transplant

While under local anesthesia and relaxing with TV or music, hair follicles are removed from the back of the head or other area of dense growth. You and your facial hair transplant surgeon will choose the kind of hair you want to see on your face. The color, thickness and texture will be the same as it is on your head.

The placement of hair is determined prior to the facial hair transplant. You can have a beard in any shape that you want. And facial transplants are not limited to only beards. It could be just a moustache or a goatee, or you can have your sideburns shaped so that you never have to worry about them looking scruffy again.

Recovery time is minimal. Because you are awake for the procedure, you can go about your day’s activities after getting your transplant. Although the newly transplanted hair will fall out shortly after the procedure, the follicles will regrow your own hair in about three months. The good news is that hair transplants are permanent. You won’t have to do anything to maintain your beard other than keep it the length that you want.

Choose the right Facial Hair Transplant Specialist

Hair transplant is an aesthetic art as well as a medical procedure. The shape of your beard or other facial hair is determined by your surgeon. Each hair must be implanted with attention paid to the direction in which it grows for the most natural and attractive appearance. The hair follicles taken from the donor area need to be removed with care to avoid scarring.

MAXIM Hair Restoration helps people look their best through the most advanced and skillful hair transplant procedures. For a facial hair transplant or to address thin or balding areas on the head, speak with one of our hair experts first.  MAXIM has locations in New York, Long Island, Connecticut, Chicago, Dallas and the Washington, DC area. Contact MAXIM today to find out if you are a candidate for a hair transplant.


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