What is hair regrowth?
Hair loss is commonly seen in both men and women of various ages. Whether your hair loss is rather sudden or you’ve been experiencing some degree of thinning for years, there are several simple, relatively painless treatment options to give you the hair and confidence that you deserve. If this situation sounds familiar and you’re looking for a solution for hair regrowth, MAXIM Hair Restoration can help. You can learn more about our services below, as well as some important information about hair regrowth and some common causes of hair loss.
What is Hair Regrowth or Restoration?

Hair regrowth is also known as hair restoration. This broad term is used to reference the many methods and techniques available to those experiencing hair loss. This includes topical medications, scalp micropigmentation, collagen induction therapy, or a combination of these techniques. The goal is to provide you with the natural-looking, dense hair that you desire. These options are suitable for those who aren’t quite ready or don’t need a full hair transplant procedure.
Hair Restoration vs. Hair Transplantation?
Regarding hair restoration versus hair transplantation, the deciding factor is the progression of an individual’s hair loss and whether or not the patient is ready for the more invasive procedure, such as a hair transplant. Hair transplantation is performed by taking a graft from a donor area and transplanting that hair to the area of balding or thinning to provide you with a dense, natural-looking result. This method has a brief period of downtime, while scalp micropigmentation or collagen induction therapies will allow you to get back to daily life immediately afterward.
We understand how important having a full head of hair can be to an individual, and that’s why MAXIM Hair Restoration is here to help. We’re proud to be able to provide you with various options, including hair restoration and hair transplantation.
What Causes Hair Loss?
Numerous factors can contribute to hair loss, ranging from inherited conditions to hormones, stress, and injury. These causes include the following:
- Male Pattern Baldness. This inherited condition can come from the paternal or maternal side of the family and is also known as androgenic alopecia. Hair loss is generally first noticed around the frontal hairline and crown areas of the scalp, eventually progressing to the mid-scalp. This results in a horseshoe-shaped area of hair loss. This condition is caused by a sensitivity to dihydrotestosterone, which is a metabolite of testosterone.
- Therapies. Radiation therapy, such as the treatment used for cancer, is commonly known to cause hair loss. While much of this hair will grow back, those with a predisposition to androgenetic alopecia may find that it never returns to its former state.
- Life factors. Extreme stress or a traumatic occurrence can cause hair loss. You’ll typically see the loss over an elongated period of time.
- Medications. Several medications used to treat cancer, high blood pressure, depression, and various other diseases can cause to hair loss in some people.
- Medical and biological conditions. Hair loss may be the result of a hormonal imbalance and other medical conditions. Other triggers include autoimmune disorders, pregnancy, menopause, and various thyroid disorders. The resulting hair loss could either be temporary or permanent.
- Hair styles. Traction alopecia may occur due to excessive hair styling, perms, and hair treatments.
- Lifestyle choices.Risk factors for hair loss include smoking, a poor diet, or a significant amount of weight loss or gain.
If you’re experiencing hair loss and would like to schedule a consultation, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the team of specialists at MAXIM Hair Restoration. We can help develop a treatment plan to get you the natural-looking results you want.
Is There Anything I Can Do To Prevent Hair Loss?
Non-preventable genetic and hereditary factors cause the majority of hair loss. Some other conditions, such as those mentioned above, might be preventable to some extent. Things you can do to prevent hair loss include:
- Managing your stress levels.
- Treating your hair gently.
- Eating well-balanced meals.
- Visiting your primary care physician regularly.
- Avoiding tobacco products.
- Preventative care if your family history contains androgenetic alopecia.
Our Services
We have several effective options for hair regrowth and transplantation at MAXIM Hair Restoration. Here’s a closer look at some of our services:
Follicular Unit Extraction
Follicular unit extraction is performed using advanced medical technology to harvest and transplant one hair graft at a time. There’s no linear scarring or sutures and a more rapid recovery time allows you to return to your normal activities quickly.
Follicular Hair Transplantation
Follicular hair transplantation is performed by extracting an area of donor tissue and then dissecting that tissue into individual grafts to transplant to the areas of hair loss. This provides you with a dense, natural-looking result.
Collagen Induction Therapy
Collagen induction therapy (CID) is a minimally invasive treatment that’s designed to increase collagen production, tissue perfusion, form new blood vessels, and introduce fresh growth factors. CID is performed using small needles that penetrate the middle layer of the skin. These procedures kickstart your body’s natural healing mechanics and amplify your scalp’s ability to regenerate tissue. It also improves topical absorption and efficacy.
3D Scalp Micropigmentation
3D scalp micropigmentation is a process by which medical-grade pigment is deposited on the scalp using a stroking motion. This gives your scalp the appearance of natural, shaved hair follicles, or to provide density by adding color in thinning areas that have a strong foundation of hair.
A combination of these methods may be used to provide you with a hybrid treatment plan. Options range from hair transplantation to collagen induction therapy and scalp micropigmentation. Your Maxim Hair Restoration specialist will develop a plan that will provide you with the best results possible.
Contact MAXIM Hair Restoration Today
If you’re experiencing baldness or hair thinning, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the specialists at MAXIM Hair Restoration today. Someone from our team would be happy to help you gather the answers to your questions. When you’re ready to schedule a consultation, you can use our convenient online contact form to request an appointment with one of the hair transplant specialists near you. You can also reach us at 802-370-3227.
After your appointment for an initial consultation, our team will provide you with an estimate for your procedure and discuss financing options. If you’re looking for a solution for hair loss, MAXIM Hair Restoration can help.