What Is Non-Surgical Hair Restoration?

Perhaps thinning hair is genetic in your family, or maybe you had a full head of hair just a few years ago – but if you have thinning hair now, there is hope for hair growth with Non-surgical hair restoration. While there are medical advancements in the field of hair restoration that could restore your lush locks, take the time to try other options. Some experts recommend scalp exercises to stimulate your hair follicles and promote growth.

These exercises don’t require a physical therapist’s recommendation or even supervision or prescription from a doctor. Try these natural, holistic alternatives or Non-surgical hair restoration right in your own home to improve your scalp and hair health.

Scalp Relaxation

Although the word relaxation is in the title of this exercise, it’s truthfully not very relaxing. This method consists of using your interlocked palms, excluding thumbs, to move and stimulate the top layer of your scalp. Do not move your fingers. You can do these scalp movements for 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off, for a total of 10 repetitions.

Circular Massage

This is a more traditional method of a scalp massage. By massaging small sections of your scalp – not your hair – at a time, you can concentrate on stimulating your entire head. Make sure to alternate your movements between clockwise and counter-clockwise.  You can do this using your dry hands or by rubbing a little bit of vitamin E oil on your palms and fingers.

Inversion Method

The inversion method essentially takes the traditional circular massage and flips it on its head – literally. The inversion method requires you to bend over so that your scalp is lower than your heart. This position would allow more blood to rush to your head, allowing your follicles to be stimulated more easily. You would then repeat your clockwise and counter-clockwise circular massages in small sections.

Upside Down Washing

Instead of standing under the showerhead and letting the water rain down on you, try flipping your hair over your head and washing it in the sink.  You will be washing follicles that barely see the light day, and your scalp will thank you.  Try using a stimulating shampoo such as one that contains tea tree oil, then massage the shampoo into your hair using the fleshy parts of your fingertips.  Your hair will feel stimulated and amazing and may even look fuller after being washed upside down.

Using a Dermaroller

A dermaroller is a small handheld device that essentially causes micro-injuries to your skin. Using a dermaroller on your scalp may promote growth of your hair follicles by awakening your hair’s natural growth. Once your scalp is “injured” it will try to heal itself, activating the growth process.  Before using a dermaroller, be sure to consult an Aestheticians or your dermatologist; poking tiny holes into your skin may not be the best thing to do if you don’t know what you are doing.

With convenient locations throughout the United States in New York, Long Island, Connecticut, Chicago, Dallas, and the Washington, DC area, as well as several international locations, Maxim Hair Restoration is here to help you explore your options with regard to hair restoration.  Contact MAXiM today to find out if you are a candidate for a hair transplant.


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